Victoria Grevit Eriksen

Victoria is highly specialised in insolvency and restructuring law and has been involved in a large number of bankruptcy proceedings and restructurings of both a national and international nature. Victoria assist with all aspects of insolvency and restructuring law and has great experience of handling bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation, restructuring, bankruptcy-related disqualification, financial restructuring of distressed businesses, negotiations for composition arrangements and safeguarding of creditor positions. Victoria has also great litigation experience and has a right to appear before the Danish High Court.
Victoria is a certified insolvency attorney from Danske Insolvensadvokater and is also a member of the panel of lawyers appointed by the Danish Debt Collection Agency.
Practice Areas
Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen
Kurators ansvar, Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift, 2016/1, s.792016
Kørekort til insolvensret, Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift, august 2016/3, s. 2272015
Større konkursboer med grænseoverskridende aktivitet hvordan gribes de an, og hvilke udfordringer er særligt forbundet hermed, Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift 2015/3, s.167