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Write your thesis with us

Schjødt is recognized as a leading law firm with high professional and academical standards, and a significant number of Schjødt lawyers hold a doctorate in law. This combination of practical knowledge and academic merits makes for an ideal environment for writing your master's thesis. Therefore, we are proud to award the Club Schjødt Scholarship to talented students writing a master's thesis over one or two terms (30/60 credits).

We provide the grantee with access to an office, our law databases and library, a free canteen and mentoring by our attorneys specialising in the relevant area of law. The grant is NOK 30.000. During the scholarship period, the grantee will be included as a natural and integral part of our firm, and will of course be invited to all in-house professional and social events.

Scholarships will most often be awarded to members of Club Schjødt that have already taken part in other Club Schjødt activities, but anyone is welcome to apply. Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis. However, applications should be made in due time before the term when you will be writing your thesis.