Thomas Horn

Partner, PhD

Thomas Horn. Photo.

Thomas specialises in litigation and has been part of Schjødt’s litigation department since 2001. He became partner in 2009, was admitted to the Supreme Court in 2010 and became a PhD in 2015. Thomas heads Schjødt's Special Resource Team. He has been involved in large and complex court cases, inter alia a number of cases litigated by Schjødt in the Norwegian Supreme Court. Together with Ingvald Falch, Thomas acted before the Supreme Court in the landmark “Ship Owners Taxation-case”, winning a major victory in a case heard by the Supreme Court in a plenary session concerning NOK 14 billion. He won the Supreme Court case concerning the famous book “The bookseller of Kabul”. He frequently acts as a coach for lawyers in qualifying test cases for the Supreme Court ("prøvesak"). Thomas graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergen in 2000, and became a PhD from the University of Oslo in 2015. He was a deputy judge from 2003-2005. Thomas has been teaching both civil procedure and penal procedure at the University of Oslo, and regularly serves as an examiner and supervisor for students at the Universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø. He was part of the The Norwegian Bar Association's reference group on the drafting of the new code on penal procedure. Thomas is an expert on Human Rights, holding a PhD in this area. He has written scholarly articles and has been involved in court cases influencing the legal development on Human Rights, also concerning the rights of companies and commercial actors. He has been appointed to number of positions of trust concerning Human Rights. He is a member of Schjødt's pro bono committee, and is in charge of Schjødt’s team in the Nordic Moot Court Competition in Human Rights.


  • 2015

    PhD, University of Oslo
  • 2000

    Cand. jur., University of Bergen


  • 2015

    Fullstendig isolasjon ved risiko for bevisforspillelse (phd dissertation), Fagbokforlaget
  • 2015

    Fremstillingsfristen er 48 timer – ikke tre dager, Tidsskrift for Strafferett
  • 2012

    Er isolasjon av innsatte i strid med EMK artikkel 8? Tidsskrift for Strafferett
  • 2007

    Administrative penal sanctions - preponderance of the evidence insufficient, LoR
  • 2000

    Securities and priority, Universitetsforlaget (co-author: Henrik Garmann)