
Nordic Moot Court Competition on Human Rights

by Sofie Schulstok and Thomas Horn


Swedish Supreme Court. Photo.

The Nordic Moot Court Competition on Human Rights (Den nordiska rättegångstävlingen om de mänskliga rättigheterna) was founded by Jacob W.F. Sundberg in 1984, with the aim of providing Nordic students with a profound understanding of the practical application of the European Convention on Human Rights. Over the past 40 years, the competition has evolved into a remarkable platform for Nordic collaboration, where students from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Denmark argue fictitious cases in the highest Nordic courts

Schjødt has proudly participated in this competition for many years, consistently achieving impressive results. The competition, held every June in one of the Nordic countries, showcases the best of legal talent. This year, the Club Schjødt team traveled to Stockholm, where they excelled in the preliminary rounds and the semi-finals, ultimately securing a spot in the final at the Högsta domstol (Supreme Court of Sweden)

Högsta domstol
Svea hovrätt
Preliminary round

The competition weekend was not only intellectually stimulating but also filled with fun events, including a beautiful banquet at the Stockholm City Hall. Known for its stunning architecture and as the venue for the Nobel Prize banquet, the City Hall provided a grand backdrop for celebrating the achievements of all participants.

Banquet at Stockholm Stadshus
The golden hall

Each year, the competition brings together panels of distinguished judges from the European Court of Human Rights and from each participating country's Supreme Court. This gathering offers quite an experience for participants, as they gain insights and practical skills in human rights law


Judges Stockholm 2024: Pauliine Koskelo (FI), Arnfinn Bårdsen (NO), Erik Wennerström (SE), Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir (IS), Anne Louise Bormann (DK), Jussi Tapani (FI), Emil Waris (FI), Per Erik Bergsjø (NO), Cecilie Østensen Berglund (NO), Eric Runesson (SE), Johan Danelius (SE), Benedikt Bogason (IS), Björg Thorarensen (IS), Kristian Korfits Nielsen (DK).

Our success in the competition is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our large team of coaches. Each year, they guide our participants through the rigorous preparation process, which includes a month-long focus on written pleadings followed by intensive oral practice sessions. This comprehensive training ensures that our team is well-prepared to present compelling arguments and demonstrate their legal prowess.

Moot Court Competition 2024
Thomas Horn and Norwegian Supreme Court justice Cecilie Østensen Berglund

Schjødt to host next year's competition

Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce that Schjødt, in collaboration with the Norwegian Supreme Court, will host next year's competition in Oslo. We ended the weekend in Stockholm by extending a warm invitation to join us in the continued celebration of legal education and Nordic cooperation.

Oslo, June 12-15, 2025 – save the date!

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