Study groups

Woman working on laptop

Be inspired

Participants in Club Schjødt study groups will benefit from inspiration and guidance from our committed lawyers. Schjødt is recognized as a leading law firm with high professional and academic standards. A significant number of Schjødt lawyers hold a doctorate in law and/or are admitted to the Supreme Court.


The program is based on the students' independent activity, but we will provide a framework and contribute as a knowledge base, a source of inspiration and as sparring partners, and we provide some of our best mentors. The study groups usually consist of 3-5 students. We normally host about four to five sessions during the semester. The program is adapted in cooperation with the students and will respect their need for time to follow regular lectures.


Deadline for applications

Oslo: 15 January (spring term) and 20 August  (fall term)
Bergen: 23 February (spring term) and 2 August (fall term)


Oslo: Forvaltningsrett og EØS-rett (Administrative Law and EEA Law), 2nd year, UiO

Oslo: Formuerett I (Law of Obligations and Property), 3rd year, UiO

Oslo: Formuerett II/Dynamisk formuerett (Law of Dynamic Obligation and Property), 3rd year, UiO

Oslo: Sivilprosess + Strafferett og straffeprosess (Civil Procedure + Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law), 4th year, UiO

Bergen: Obligasjonsrett (Law of obligations), 3rd year, UiB

Bergen: Allmenn Formuerett (Property Law), 4th year UiB