Andreas A. Johansen
Andreas A. Johansen and Anders Ødegård from the Dispute Resolution Department have published an article in the well-established "Tidsskrift for Forretningsjus" in Norway (the Norwegian Business Law Review). The 41-page article regards quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) in commercial contracts. This is a recurring topic in projects and disputes. The article represents the first systematic and overarching assessment on the topic in Norway.
QAQC obligations means requirements related to the supplier's internal processes meant to ensure that the contract object/services meet the contractual requirements. The article assesses when QAQC obligations will - and will not – apply under Norwegian law. The article also discusses what is needed to establish a breach of such requirements. Furthermore, the article discusses the most common legal effects if such obligations have been breached. Finally, the article addresses the rules on document production and burden of proof in relation to disputes where quality assurance is a theme.
The full article can be found at Juridika and Idunn.
Feel free to reach out to Andreas or Anders if you want to discuss.