Jacob Nittmar
by Jacob Nittmar and Sandra Nilsson
The employers' organisation TechSverige has recently terminated their cooperation agreement with the umbrella organisation Almega, the largest employers' organisation within the service industry of Sweden. On 10 October, TechSverige communicated that they will end their relationship with Almega, effective as of 1 January 2025, in order to better promote their members' interests. This is, according to TechSverige, mainly due to the tech industry's swift development and TechSverige's need to be more independent in the management of their members' interests and their resources, tailored to the tech industry. TechSverige has several of the largest companies within the tech and telecom industry in Sweden as their members. Following the exit from Almega, TechSverige will become an independent employers' organisation within Svenskt Näringsliv. Further, the exit means that Almega will no longer provide employer services to TechSverige's member companies. TechSverige's exit from Almega will not affect the applicability of the member companies' collective bargaining agreements.
The new price base amount has been set to SEK 57,300 for 2024, and the new income base amount has been set to SEK 76,200 for 2024. The price base amount affects e.g. social insurances and the compensations under the TFA and TGL insurances. The income base amount affects e.g. the public pension and the occupational pension contributions under the ITP plans.
The Swedish Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities (Sw. lag (2021:890) om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden) (the "Act") entered into force on 17 December 2021, and the obligations set out therein have been implemented gradually in relation to the size of the company or organisation. As per 17 December 2023, private employers with 50 to 249 employees at the beginning of the calendar year are required to have implemented internal reporting channels and procedures for reporting and follow-ups. This obligation has applied for private employers with more than 250 employees, and public employers, since 17 December 2022.