Erik Odelberg

Senior Lawyer

Erik Odelberg. Photo.
Erik specialises in dispute resolution and represents clients in arbitration and litigation. Prior to joining Schjødt, he worked as legal counsel for a Swedish credit market company, where he provided advice focused on dispute resolution, asset-based lending, and commercial contracts.

Erik joined the firm in 2021. He holds a Master of Laws Degree from Uppsala University.


  • 2023

    "Erik Odelberg has an impressive ability to understand complex business matters and identify relevant legal issues." - Legal 500


  • 2013

    Master of Laws, Uppsala University
  • 2013

    Legal studies, University of New South Wales


  • 2016

    Juridisk Tidskrift, Nr.1 – 2015–16, Gotlandsdomen: Entreprenadkontraktets fördelning av ansvaret för förhållanden som inte framgår av förfrågningsunderlaget, Dahlberg Kolga, H. and Odelberg, E.