Thomas A. Dale

Thomas has extensive experience with international/cross border financing, such as ships/rigs/offshore vessels, offshore activities, oil service, shipyards, real estate and other projects, assets and businesses. His work includes structuring of loan transactions, drafting and negotiating contracts, hereunder loan and security documentation, for bilateral as well as syndicated financing (including export financing), primarily for the banks. A significant portion of the transactions in which Thomas is involved have an international/cross border element.
Before Thomas joined Schjødt as a partner in 2015, he was a partner with Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS, where inter alia he manned their Singapore office from 2010 – 2012. In addition to his work with financing, Thomas also focuses on shipping and offshore transactions and regularly advises the various parties to such transactions, hereunder shipowners, shipyards, brokers, banks and facilitators.
Before Thomas joined Schjødt as a partner in 2015, he was a partner with Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS, where inter alia he manned their Singapore office from 2010 – 2012. In addition to his work with financing, Thomas also focuses on shipping and offshore transactions and regularly advises the various parties to such transactions, hereunder shipowners, shipyards, brokers, banks and facilitators.
Practice Areas
Recommended and Other key lawyer - Legal 5002020
Recommended - Legal 500
Cand. jur., University of Bergen2002
Introduction to Chinese Law and Legal System, East China University of Politics and Law2002
LL.M., University of Sydney