Fredrik Øie Brekke
Senior Associate
by Fredrik Ø. Brekke
A new main rule is introduced, which entail that employments should be entered into as a full-time position. If an employee is to be employed in a part-time position, the employer has to document the need to make an exception from this rule in writing prior to offering the employee the part-time position. The employee representative shall also be consulted, and the written documentation should be made available for the employee representatives.
Based on the new provision, and on the existing main rule in the Norwegian Working Environment Act Section 14-9 regarding permanent employment, the main rule in Norwegian employment law is that all employment relationships shall be permanent, and on a full-time basis.
The amendments to the Norwegian Working Environment Act also included new provisions regarding the preferential right for part-time employees, where the amendment entails a right for these employees to extra shifts, although with some exceptions. This amendment is in addition to the part-time employees existing preferential right to have their employment fraction extended, instead of the employer employing new employees.
You may read more about the changes here (only available in Norwegian).