Andreas A. Johansen
by Andreas A. Johansen and Michael Decker
Andreas A. Johansen and Michael Decker recently wrote an article concerning the anomaly of ad hoc arbitrations in Norway. The vast majority of cases in Norway are handled through ad hoc arbitration, in contrast to most comparing countries where institutional arbitrations are way more common. While ad hoc arbitration has its benefits, and the OCC and NOMA have taken significant steps in the right direction, the Norwegian legal market would benefit substantially from building up a full-fledged arbitral institution akin to the DIA, the SCC, and other institutions who have contributed to the development of arbitration in their respective homes over the last decades.
The piece was first published by the Danish Institute of Arbitration. It can be found in full version here:
- see 21/02/2024 "The Anomaly of Ad Hoc Arbitration in Norway".