Ylva Enquist (formerly Forsberg)
by Ylva Enquist, Emil Hedberg, Adam Sirsjö, Vendela Nilert, Izabella Barisa, William Hellsten and Karl Österberg
Many of the proposed amendments to inter alia the EU Prospectus Regulation and the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), resulting from the adoption of the EU Listing Act, will apply from today, 4 December 2024, while other amendments will apply from 5 March 2026 and 5 June 2026, respectively. Below is a summary of the key amendments affecting ECM transactions.
The EU Listing Act was published in the official journal 14 November 2024 and consists of (i) a regulation amending the Prospectus Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129), Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation (EU) 596/2014) and MiFIR (Regulation (EU) 600/2014) (the "Listing Regulation"), (ii) a directive amending MiFID II (Directive (EU) 65/2014) and repealing directive 2001/34/EC (the "Listing Directive"), and (iii) a new directive on multiple-vote share structures in companies that seek the admission to trading of their shares on an SME growth market.
Expansion of prospectus exemptions
The Listing Regulation introduces additional exemptions from the obligation to publish a prospectus in relation to public offers and admissions to trading on a regulated market.
In many cases where a prospectus is exempted, the new regulation instead requires the issuer to file a standardised document following the structure set out in a new Annex IX (below referred to as the "Annex IX Document"). The Annex IX Document needs to be filed (but not approved) by the competent authority in the home Member State, which is the Swedish FSA (Sw. Finansinspektionen) in Sweden, and may not be longer than 11 pages. An Annex IX Document shall include e.g. use of proceeds, risk factors and terms and conditions for the offer. In addition, the Annex IX Document shall include a statement of continuous compliance with reporting and disclosure obligations throughout the period of being admitted to trading.
An issuer who is covered by the prospectus exemptions outlined below, may still voluntarily draw up a prospectus in accordance with the current Prospectus Regulation.
The fungible securities exemptions in relation to public offerings and admission to trading on a regulated market, as outlined below, will apply from today, 4 December 2024. The offer size exemption for public offers outlined below will apply from 5 June 2026.
Exemptions from publishing a prospectus in relation to public offers
Exemptions from publishing a prospectus in relation to admission to trading on a regulated market
The Listing Regulation introduces new prospectus types which will replace the simplified prospectus for secondary issuances (article 14), the EU recovery prospectus (article 14a) and the EU growth prospectus (article 15) in the current Prospectus Regulation.
The new prospectus types will apply from 5 March 2026. Before the new prospectus types enter into force, the Commission shall adopt a delegated act specifying the standardised format and sequence for the new prospectus types.
EU follow-on prospectus
A new EU follow-on prospectus is introduced which may be used for both public offers and admissions to trading on regulated markets of securities that are fungible or not fungible with securities already admitted to trading. The EU follow-on prospectus may also be used for up-listings, i.e. admission to trading on a regulated market when the financial instrument has already been admitted to trading on an SME growth market. The EU follow-on prospectus shall have a maximum length of 50 pages (not taking into account the summary, information incorporated by reference and any additional information due to complex financial history or a significant financial commitment).
The following persons are eligible to draw up an EU follow-on prospectus:
However, an issuer having only non-equity securities admitted to trading on a regulated market or an SME growth market shall not be allowed to draw up an EU follow-on prospectus for the admission to trading of equity securities on a regulated market.
EU growth issuance prospectus
A new EU growth issuance prospectus is introduced. The EU growth issuance prospectus can be used for public offers, provided that the issuer has no securities admitted to trading on a regulated market, i.e. typically IPOs. The prospectus shall be a maximum of 75 pages (not taking into account the summary, information incorporated by reference and any additional information due to complex financial history or a significant financial commitment).
The following persons are eligible to draw up an EU growth issuance prospectus:
Standardisation of prospectuses
The following new requirements will apply from 5 June 2026.
The key amendments to the Market Abuse Regulation relate to delayed disclosure of inside information, insider trading reporting obligations and market soundings.
Delayed disclosure of inside information
The following new requirements will apply from 5 June 2026.
Insider trading reporting obligations for persons discharging managerial responsibilities (PDMRs)
The following new requirements will apply from today, 4 December 2024.
Market soundings
The following new requirements will apply from today, 4 December 2024.
The Member States shall by 5 June 2026 adopt necessary laws and regulations to comply with the Listing Directive.