Fredrik Linder


Fredrik Linder. Photo.
Fredrik has more than 25 years of experience in public procurement, public contracts and EU & competition law matters.
He represents both suppliers and the public sector in all aspects of public procurement, including the bidding phase and the contract phase. Fredrik has acted for clients in a substantial number of court cases concerning reviews, invalidity of contracts and damages in connection with public procurement. He also has extensive experience in EU & competition law matters, including merger control, abuse of dominant position, cartels and state aid.

Prior to joining Schjødt in 2020, Fredrik was a partner in Hamilton for more than 15 years. He also has work experience from EY (Ernst & Young Law), another law firm and the European Commission (Directorate General for Competition). He regularly represents clients in a number of different sectors, including medtech, healthcare, telecommunications, construction and transport.

Since many years, Fredrik is top ranked in international rankings within public procurement, including Chambers Europe, Legal 500 and Who’s Who Legal. He has published numerous articles on public procurement (see a few examples below) and he is a frequent speaker at procurement conferences and seminars.


  • 2013 - 2024

    Leading lawyer (band 1) in Public Procurement - Chambers Europe
  • 2018 - 2024

    Leading Individual in Public Procurement - Legal 500
  • 2009 - 2024

    Leading lawyer - Who’s Who Legal, Public Procurement/Government Contracts


  • 1994

    Master of Laws (LL.M.), Stockholm University


  • 2005 - 2023

    Public Procurement - Chapter on Sweden, Lexology Getting The Deal Through.
  • 2019 - 2020

    Public Procurement & Government Contracts - Chapter on Sweden, Chambers Global Practice Guide.
  • 2015

    Abnormally low tenders - the Swedish Procurement Law Journal