Kristoffer Stråth

Kristoffer is a partner within Schjødt’s dispute resolution practice group, with 20 years of relevant experience as counsel and arbitrator within his area of expertise. Kristoffer represents clients in all aspects related to commercial disputes, including analysis and advice focused on navigating, settling and/or avoiding disputes as well as through work as counsel in arbitration or court litigation. Kristoffer is frequently appointed as arbitrator. Kristoffer is particularly experienced in disputes related to M&A transactions, shareholder disputes, financial services, renewable energy and construction. Kristoffer graduated law school in 2005.
Before joining Schjødt in 2025, Kristoffer has been employed by and partner in other leading Swedish law firms. Kristoffer has experience working for a leading international law firm in London.
The SCC and SAA joint education programme for Arbitrators2005
LL.M., Stockholm University
Beställares hävning respektive obefogade hävning av entreprenadavtal…, JT Nr 3 2018/2019, s. 558. K Stråth2013
Institutional Rule Reforms-SCC, International Arbitration Law Review’s special issue on reforms in International Arbitration Institutions, Vol 16, Issue 6, 2013, co-authored with Kristoffer Löf.
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"Kristoffer is a go-to in the market for complex disputes requiring hands on partner involvement. He is superb at strategy and at spotting opponents’ ’weaknesses’."
Legal 500