Court files and the shift towards privacy
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Sigurd has been a lawyer in Schjødt's litigation department since 1999, and has extensive experience in a wide range of civil and criminal cases. He was educated at the University of Oslo. Sigurd worked as a deputy judge at Ringerike District Court from 2001 to 2003, before returning to Schjødt. He was admitted to the Supreme Court in 2010. Sigurd has extensive expertise in litigation, and a significant practice within advice and litigation in relation to business law. Throughout his career, Sigurd has assisted in large and complex disputes, particularly related to media law, contract law, intellectual property rights and white-collar crime.
Nominated as Practitioner of the Year in Norway – ManagingIP2022
Key lawyer – Legal 5002022
Ranked lawyer – Chambers and Partners2022
Copyright star, Trademark star – IP Stars2022
Ranked lawyer, IAM1999
Cand. jur., University of Oslo2022
Gyldendal Rettsdata, Norsk Lovkommentar, tvisteloven2020
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsrett, "Styreansvar i driftsselskap"2010
Lov og Rett: Korrupsjon - formålets betydning for utilbørlighetsvurderingen2010
Lov og Rett: Gjenåpning av sivil sak mellom private parter grunnet brudd på folkeretten - reparasjonshensynets betydning