Court files and the shift towards privacy
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Legal 500, Hall of Fame - top tier "Halvor Manshaus is a diligent and experienced IP lawyer able to cover the various aspects of a case with grace. He is the top IP litigator in Norway.’2022
Chambers Europe, Intellectual Property Band 1 "Very capable Halvor Manshaus is applauded for his litigation expertise." "He is everything that I look for in a lawyer. He connects the legal and business perspectives in a seamless way and understands both perfectly"2022
Chambers Global, IP Band 1 "Halvor Manshaus is highly regarded for his work on IP litigation, especially in relation to trade mark and patent infringement cases. One client believes that "Halvor Manshaus is hands down the best IP lawyer you could find," explaining that "his key strength is that he combines legal expertise with strategic acumen as well as an ability to grasp technical concepts."2022
IP Stars, Patent and Trademark, star ratingIAM Patent 1000
Gold category Litigation, "A model litigator, Halvor Manshaus gets to grips with complex technologies super quickly."2003
Candidatus Philologiae (History of Ideas, thesis) 120 ECTS/6 yrs norm, University of Oslo1999
Candidatus Magisterii (Bachelor's degree), University of Oslo1997
Candidatus Juris (Law degree, thesis) 390 ECTS/5,5 yrs norm, University of Oslo1997
"Private pengespill på Internett", CompLex 110 p. Book on legal issues related to commercial gaming provided through the Internet1998
"Pengespill på Internett", Jussens Venner p 164-168, Article on commercial gaming on the Internet2003
"Det internasjonale aspektet ved DVD-saken", Advokatbladet nr 1/2003 p56-57, article on the international aspects of the "DVD-case"2005
"Ytringsfrihet: Redaktøransvar på Internett" Tidsskrift for Forretningsjus (TiF 2/2005) p 260-280, Article on editorial liability on the Internet2005
"Renessansen som unnfanget Corpus Iuris Civilis", CompLex 142 p. Book on the historical background for the legal collecion Corpus Iuris Civilis produced under Justinian ca 530 AD2005
"Advokaters ytringsrett og –plikt", Advokatbladet 4/2005 p54, Article on lawyers ethical obligations related to client representation2010
"Ord om Adwords" Lov & Data nr 102, article on legal status of Google AdWords in light of recent case law2010
"Jailbreaking og annen omgåelse av digital rettighetsadministrasjon (DRM)" Lov & Data nr 103, article on copyright legislation related to DRM systems2010
"Nyttig verktøy fra WIPO" Lov & Data nr 104, article about WIPO database and WIPO Lex2010
"WIPO UDRP: Oversikt over Domeneklager versjon 2.0" Lov & Data nr 106, article WIPO UDRP system revision2011
"Runesten-saken" Lov & Data nr 105, case about source confidentiality through Internet ISP2011
"Endringer i .no regelverket" Lov & Data nr 108, short article about Norwegian domain name rules2012
"Ansvar for ytringer på Internett" Lov & Data nr 111, article on liability for statements made through the Internet2013
"Tiltak mot opphavsrettskrenkelser på Internett – nytt norsk lovforslag" Lov & Data nr 113, article about new copyright legislation aimed at Internet-related infringements2013
"Konkurranser og markedsføringsloven" Lov & Data nr 115, article about changes in rules governing competitions under the Norwegian Marketing Act2013
"Krenkende debattinnlegg på internet" Lov & Data nr 116, Article about defamatory statements made on the Internet – the ECHR Delfi case2014
"Avgjørelse fra EU-domstolen vedrørende databasevernets anvendelse på eksterne metasøk" Lov & Data nr 117, article on EU-court ruling: Database law applied to meta-searching on the Internet2014
"Innsyn i logger fra skattenemndens saksbehandling" Lov & Data nr 118, article about false information catalogs and jurisdictional issues for the Data Protection Agency2014
"Falske kontaktopplysningstjenester" Lov & Data nr 119, article about information access requests into logs from the Tax Complaint Boards2014
"EU-domstolen har i en prejudisiell vurdering avsagt 3. september 2014 (C-201/13 Deckmyn mfl. v Vandersteen mfl.) tatt stilling til forholdet mellom ytringsfriheten og opphavsretten der et avledet verk parodierer originalen" Lov & Data nr 120, article on copyright and parodies, exemplified through Belgian court's ruling in "Deckmyn-case"2015
"Ytringsfrihet og opphavsrett del 2: Kommentar og mer om parodi" Lov & Data nr 121, comment/debate on freedom of speech, copyright and parody-exceptions in case law2015
"Googles patenteksperiment" Lov & Data nr 122, article about Googles patent acquisitions in a legal context2015
"Kildevern i bevegelse" Lov & Data nr 124, article on protection of journalistic sources in light of the "Rolfsen-case"2016
"EMD om innsyn i epost" Lov & Data nr 124, article on review of third party/person email2016
"Presumsjon om kunnskap – lenking på Internett" Lov & Data nr 128, article about linking to copyrighted material on the Internet after EU-court ruling C-160/152017
"Problematisk grenseforsvar" Lov & Data nr 129, article on legislation related to protection of data assets and infrastructure in a cross-border perspective2017
"BitTorrent går ikke klar av opphavsretten" Lov & Data nr 131, article on bitcoin transfers and recent ruling from the EU-court ruling C-610/152017
"Utlevering av bevis til andre lands myndigheter" Lov & Data nr 132, article on U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on cross-border compelled disclosure of information2018
"Hvor ble det av redaktørens erstatningsansvar for ærekrenkelser?" Lov & Data nr 132, article on the implementation of updates legislation on editorial liability2018
"Digital økonomi – Sikkerhetsnett for mindre aktører" Lov & Data nr 134, article about legislation from the EU on cross-border requirements for large platform providers2018
"Genteknologi som juridisk mat" Lov & Data nr 135, article on EU-court ruling C-528/16 and rules concerning gentech – and comparison to other jurisdictions2018
"Republisering av materiale krever samtykke" Lov & Data nr 136, article on publishing third party copyrighted works made available on the Internet in light of EU-court ruling2019
"Bruk av tredjeparts kjennetegn som betalte søkeord – Google Ads" Lov & Data nr 137, article on use of third party trademarks as Google Ads2019
"Retten til å bli glemt – utenfor EU" Lov & Data nr 138, article on the right to be forgotten in light of legal opinion by the EU General Advocate2019
"Integrerte sosiale moduler kan innebære felles behandlingsansvar" Lov & Data nr 139, article on EU prejudicial ruling concerning transfer of Facebook user data2019
"Barn i sosiale medier" Lov & Data nr 140, article on Supreme Court ruling and the use of children in social media2020
"Beskatning av GAFA-aktører: Dom i apple-saken" Lov & Data nr 143, article about jurisdiction in cross-border tax cases in light of EU-court decisions T-778/ and T-892/162020
"I kjernen av europeisk personvern – ny veileder fra Personvernrådet om overføring av personopplysninger til tredjeland" Lov & Data nr 144, co-authored article about new guidance from the European Data Protection Board concerning transfer of information to third party countries2020
"Hva kan mediebransjen lære av dommen etter saken mellom Dagens Næringsliv og Retriever?" Medier24 (media journal, not law-centered) on the understanding of District Court ruling in case about indexing/scraping of news-sites.2021
"Digitale angrep og utpresning – løsepengevirus" Lov & Data nr 145, article on NSM guidance on ransomware and virus-attacks, comments on legal status in EU and US2021
"Viktig avgjørelse om fair use og programkode: Google vs Oracle" Lov & Data nr 146, article about US Supreme Court ruling (18-956) regarding source code dispute between Google and Oracle, and impact on fair use provisions and open source coding2021
"Heving av ERP-kontrakt" Lov & Data nr 147, article about IT/ERP contract and requirements for termination in light of recent ruling from Court of Appeals (Felleskjøpet – Infor)2021
"Heving av ERP-kontrakt" Lov & Data nr 147, article about IT/ERP contract and requirements for termination in light of recent ruling from Court of Appeals (Felleskjøpet – Infor)2021
"Rogstad-saken: Bruk av bilde uten samtykke" Lov & Data nr 148, article about publication of third party photograph without explicit consent in light of Supreme Court ruling2022
"Høyesterett gir avklaring på kjøp av annonseplass i søkeresultater" Lov & Data nr 149, article about using third party trademarks as Google Ads after Supreme Court ruling in case HR-2021-2479A2022
"EU-domstolen balanserer opphavsrett og ytringsfrihet i sak om DSM artikkel 17" Lov & Data nr 150, co-authored article about third party liability for user generated content in light of EU-court ruling C-401/192022
"Nye permanente regler om digitale rettsmøter" Lov & Data nr 151, article about new legislation concerning digital court meetings2022
"Høyesterett sa nei til bruk av lydopptak i dokumentarserie" Lov & Data nr 152, article on use of recordings from criminal court case in a TV-documentary series